London House


London House, Perth

With contemporary workplace design at its core, the vision for the iconic London House is to create a series of inspired and uniquely presented office floors, tailored to a broad range of tenants, that welcomes workers to the city and presents them with places and spaces to engage in their daily rituals.

As Asset and Development Managers of the property, we have adopted a staged approach which will see London House focus, initially, on tenant amenity including introducing a new hospitality venue and floor fit outs, ahead of moving into stage two which comprises a reset of the building’s entry presentation, upgrades to on-floor lift lobbies and establishing a refreshed approach to the building’s identity as a sophisticated and modern workplace.

Location 216 St Georges Terrace, Perth
Development Type Commercial Office Repositioning
Development Partner Westgreen
Project Value $5 million
Status Stage 1 – In Construction
Stage 2 – Master Planning